2017: XIX

Realismo e invenzione nell’onomastica personale della letteratura fiabesca toscana del secondo Ottocento: La “novellaja” fiorentina di Vittorio Imbriani e Le novelle della nonna di Emma Perodi

Published 2018-11-01


Personal onomastics in Italian fairy-tale literature is still not studied enough. Two examples: in the collection of Tuscan fairy tales La novellaja fiorentina, edited by Vittorio Imbriani, the texts were transcribed from the mouth of authentic storytellers and many of the characters are designated by common nouns; there are both realistic names and typical fairy, or non-realistic onomastics. On the other hand, the tales of Le novelle della nonna are the imagination of the author Emma Perodi; the characters have rather usual names; instead, the onomastics of the tales is more complex and often goes back to ancient Tuscan literature, with which the well-read author was, of course, familiar.