2015: XVII

La poesia dei senza nome. Nomi nascosti e negati nell’Ora incerta di Primo Levi

Published 2015-11-30


Poetry of the unnamed. Hidden and denied names in Primo Levi’s Uncertain Hour.

Writing poetry is an irrational but gratifying activity to Levi. The Survivor shows that poetry is Levi’s spontaneous cry for help and simpathy for the pain he never gets to processing and formulating: remorse, expressed as a denial, able to create an inseparable link between the ‘Nobody’ of the ‘drowned’ and the ‘saved’ poet who often chose Ulysses/Nobody as his simulacrum. The gap between the desire to travel inspired by the first Atlas and the lands that are written in his destiny is so wide that Levi represents it through a loss of language and permanent damages.