2019: XXI

Guido Gozzano dalla Metamorfosi all’ultima rinuncia. Il nome della Morte

Pubblicato 2019-11-20

Parole chiave

  • Gozzano’s works,
  • name function,
  • hypertextualization


The name code arising from the connotative network pointing to metamorphosis as a hermeneutic key to Gozzano’s works requires a plural reading of the function of names in the structure of the texts and the production of meaning. The names of the model authors should be sought in the poet’s own ‘library’: this poetry benefits from his hypertextualization, which multiplies the vision. The name, Graziella, refers back to Lamartine and thence to Bernardin de Saint Pierre: the name-character of Death in the frame of the whole poetical system, arranged so as to deny its name and function. The poet now has no restraint in naming his models and the new learning of Baghava Purana is spreading: if .only the spirit is eternal., the name does not matter either, as Socrates said: the remains shall be buried.