2020: XXII

Due corpi, un nome. Migrazioni e sdoppiamenti onomastici in un universo autoriale: D’Annunzio, Pirandello, Bolaño, Boccaccio

Leonardo Terrusi
Independent researcher

Published 2021-04-16


  • Pirandello, D’Annunzio, Boccaccio, Bolaño, Doppelgänger, holistic onomastics
  • Pirandello, D’Annunzio, Boccaccio, Bolaño, Doppelgänger, holistic onomastics


Taking a lead from a remark made by Pirandello concerning the name of the character, ‘Claudio Cantelmo’, in D’Annunzio’s Vergini delle rocce, already used by the same author in his Trionfo della morte, this paper focuses on a particular kind of onomastic migration, which consists in using the same name for two (or more) characters in different works by the same author. This phenomenon is found in writers as far apart in time and literary genre as Roberto Bolaño and Giovanni Boccaccio, and is usually seen in the light of a ‘holistic’ or ‘suprasegmental’ conception of the onomastic strategy of any given author.