2024: XXVI

On the spelling of the prosoponymes in French: Contribution to a sublexical semantics of character names in the realist regime

Yves Baudelle
Università di Lille

Published 2024-08-27


  • Balzac,
  • Proust,
  • onomastica nei romanzi,
  • ortografia dei nomi propri,
  • connotazioni sublexicali dei nomi dei personaggi,
  • grafemi,
  • morfemi,
  • sociologia nella finzione
  • ...More
  • Onomastics in novels,
  • spelling of proper names,
  • character names sublexical connotations,
  • graphemes,
  • morphemes,
  • sociology in fiction,
  • Balzac,
  • Proust
  • ...More


In French, the transcription of proper names is sufficiently complex to contribute to the expressiveness of character names. This article examines the axiological uses of the orthographic subtleties of onomastics in realist novels (1830-1950). It analyzes in particular the prestigious coloring of the s and y in the works of Balzac and Proust. Finally, he points out that these grapheme connotations can still be observed in contemporary novels, where they are nevertheless tinged with a touch of irony.