2016: XVIII

Guerra e poesia: «energeia», la decima musa di D’Annunzio


This study focuses on the onomastics of d’Annunzio’s «tenth Muse» in the poem, Maia (1903); she is called Energèia (also Euplete, Euretria), and is linked with Ermione in Alcione. The paper examines the occurrences and uses of the new Muse and her names in d’Annunzio’s prose works (mostly articles and addresses written during and after the First World War, including the so-called Carta del Carnaro, the Constitution of Fiume). The paper also analyzes Energèia’s influence on d’Annunzio’s early-twentieth-century followers, Vincenzo Morello, Giuseppe Cartella Gelardi and G.A. Borgese as well as on d’Annunzio’s criticism up to the present.