2014: XVI

Anthroponomastic issues in the Middle-english Play of the Sacrament


  • Play of the Sacrament (Conversion of Sir Jonathas the Jew),
  • Character Names – Jewish,
  • Medieval English Theatre,
  • Miracle plays


The study investigates the character names of the Middle-English miracle play The Conversyon of Ser Jonathas fle Jewe, aka The Play of the Sacrament. While the name of the Christian mercator Aristory/Aristorius, in spite of its apparent simplicity, surprises for its uniqueness (not limited to literary texts), the major problems are posed by those of the protagonist’s Jewish servants Jason, Jasdon, Masphat, and Malchus. An enquiry into these anthroponyms reveals the playwright’s subtle use of biblical echoes and allusions, only available to a ‘professional’, an erudite cleric.