2019: XXI

«Come sipari dietro cui c’è qualcosa». Note di onomastica nel ciclo di Nane Oca di Giuliano Scabia (con un inedito d’archivio)

Laura Vallortigara
Università di Milano Bicocca

Pubblicato 2019-11-20

Parole chiave

  • Nane Oca,
  • Giuliano Scabia,
  • stralingua


The aim of this paper is to analyze the onomastic system in Giuliano Scabia’s four novels centred on the character of Nane Oca and his adventures. The onomastic technique of the author is closely connected with his conception of language as a depos the archetypical mother tongue, stralingua, which emerges in fragments in the course of the narration. In this context, onomastics becomes an instrument by means of which it is possible to disclose the «real treasure» of language.