Information For Authors

How the review process works

The journal relies on a double-blind peer review process. Manuscripts submitted by authors are received by the Editors-in-chief, who decide whether to outright reject the submission (in case of evident misconduct, a focus incompatible with the journal’s scientific objectives, or severe and obvious formal inadequacy) or to initiate the review process. In the latter scenario, the Editors-in-chief are supported by members of the Editorial board in overseeing the anonymous review process. This includes selecting two reviewers, facilitating communication between reviewers and authors while maintaining their anonymity, and making a final decision on whether to publish the submission. If there is significant disagreement between reviewers, the Editors-in-chief and Editorial board may seek an additional opinion, initiating a second round of review. Communication among Editors-in-chief, reviewers, and authors takes place via email. Review forms are sent to reviewers, received, and securely retained by the Editors-in-chief. Furthermore, the Editors-in-chief ensure the anonymity of all parties involved in the double-blind review process. If needed, members of the Editorial board may reveal the identities of reviewers and authors only after the review process is completed, and strictly for direct communication purposes.

Authors and reviewers are encouraged to contact the Editors-in-chief in cases of disputes or concerns.


Costs of publishing in open access

Issue files are only available for download by subscription for 24  months from the date of publication. After the embargo period, the content becomes open access and is subject to the Creative Commons Generic Licence version 4.0 (cc. By 4.0). Copyright in individual articles passes to the publisher on the date of publication of the article and reverts to the authors at the end of the embargo period.

The journal does not charge authors for the publication of their articles. 

If the author wishes to request immediate Open Access publication of his/her contribution, without waiting for the end of the embargo period, a fee of EUR 500.00 will be charged. To make this type of request, please contact our administrative office ( and the journal manager (, indicating: the title of the article, the details of the file to which it belongs, the details of the person to whom the invoice should be addressed, the existence of any research funding.