2024: XXVI

Female geography: between literary onomastics and toponimy

Angela Daiana Langone
Università di Cagliari
Cristina Solimando
Università di Roma Tre

Published 2024-08-27


  • Nahḍa,
  • Pseudonimi arabi,
  • letteratura di genere,
  • santi (femminili),
  • toponimi arabi
  • Arabic pseudonyms,
  • Nahḍa ,
  • Arabic toponymy,
  • genre literature,
  • saints (female)


This study aims to explore the portrayal of the female dimension by analyzing the utilization of names in literary and toponymic settings. Specifically, the adoption of pseudonyms in genre literature serves as a means of empowerment, allowing female writers to creatively assert their existence beyond the constraints of censorship. Likewise, female toponyms, frequently associated with natural landscapes like valleys, caves, or pathways, convey a sense of marginalization that appears to diminish within the realm of devotion, particularly with the presence of sanctuaries dedicated to women saints.