2024: XXVI

Phonosymbolic literary names and nicknames: A classification proposal

Andrea Riga
Università di Roma Tre

Published 2024-08-27


  • Simbolismo sonoro,
  • onomatopea,
  • ideofono,
  • onomastica
  • Sound symbolism,
  • onomatopeia,
  • ideophone,
  • onomastics


The paper aims to delve into a relatively uncharted territory within scholarly inquiry: the realm of sound-symbolic literary onomastics. It meticulously scrutinizes 100 names and nicknames spanning from the 18th to the 21st century across diverse textual genres, with a specific focus on those found in children’s language or texts, as well as dialect varieties. The objective is to establish a classification system for the names and nicknames of literary characters, facilitating the identification of their motivational factors, formation mechanisms, and predominant linguistic structures employed.