2020: XXII

Da “Lazarillo” a lazarillo: analisi di alcuni nomi di origine deonomastica in spagnolo

Simona Lecco
University of Cagliari

Published 2021-04-16


Researchers of the transition from proper name to common name in Spanish have at their disposal two important lexicographical works: Deonomástica hispánica. Vocabulario científico, humanístico y gergal (García Gallarín, 1997) and De Magnol a magnolia diccionario histórico de deonomástica (García Gallarín, 2017). With the help of the electronic resources of the Real Académia Española (www.rae.es), this paper focuses on several names of literary origin recorded in these two dictionaries. Specifically, El nuevo tesoro lexicográfico de la lengua española (NTLLE) will be used, which makes it possible to consult online the dictionaries from 1495 to 2006, as well as El Nuevo diccionario histórico del español (NDHE). In addition, the following corpora will permit us to examine the diachronic and diatopic distribution and the type of texts in which deonomastics are certified: the Corpus diacrónico del español (CORDE, from the origins of the language to 1975), the Corpus de referencia del español actual (CREA, from 1976 to 2000) and the Corpes XXI (from 2001 to 2019).