2019: XXI

Trasposizioni onomastiche nelle parodie disneyane

Published 2019-11-20


The paper analyzes the processes of onomastic transposition in the Disney Parodies inspired by the ‘great classics’ of literature, where plots and original characters undergo radical changes and modifications, which inevitably also extend to the names. The analysis allows us to identify and describe a complex of onomaturgical strategies and to trace their diachronic development: from the first parodies, characterized by simple onomastic addition or substitution procedures, to the interventio of out-and-out transposing processes, aimed at obtaining the ludic-parodic effects requested by the editorial needs of the comic and, at the same time, maintaining the ‘transparency’ and literary recognition of the names. As will be seen in the course of the discussion, these conversion transitions, from the source-name to the meta-name, exploit a series of phonological and semantic equivalences based on rhetorical figures and puns, leading to the creation of autonomous name-based creations.