About the Journal
“Il Nome nel testo” is the journal of the association Onomastica & Letteratura (https://oel.fileli.unipi.it/), welcoming contributions in onomastics that engage with both Italian and non-Italian literary texts from ancient, medieval, and modern periods, using various methodologies. The primary objective is to encourage the analysis of names, demonstrating their wide range of iconic and symbolic associations and highlighting their thematic relevance. The journal targets all disciplines within Area 10, valuing analyses related to not only ancient and modern literature but also theatrical texts, film scripts, opera librettos, detective stories, children’s literature, and science fiction. Significant emphasis is placed on onomastics in regional and dialect literatures. Additionally, the journal is interested in theoretical research on the functions of proper names within texts, exploring new perspectives with potential for significant developments.
Submissions to the editorial committee undergo expert review, following the double-blind anonymous evaluation procedure (peer review) standard for A-rank journals. Contributions originating from papers presented at the association’s annual conferences are subject to the same review process for publication.
Proposals must include:
- a) A brief, specific text (at least 2200 characters, including spaces) that allows for the evaluation of the contribution.
- b) A short curriculum vitae.