2023: XXV

Palpitazioni onomastiche tipo Proust. I nomi nella scrittura di Alberto Arbasino

Pubblicato 2023-10-05

Parole chiave

  • Arbasino,
  • non-fiction,
  • Fratelli d’Italia,
  • Proust,
  • Flaubert,
  • Auden,
  • memoir,
  • self-portrait
  • ...Più


The extensive presence of names and toponyms in Alberto Arbasino’s works makes it an ideal case study for exploring the significance of proper names and lists of names in literature. This paper aims to examine the role of names in Arbasino’s work, starting with an analysis of the names found in the paratexts, such as titles, intertitles, indexes, and indexes of names. These names serve as structural elements that reflect the author’s inclination towards classification and combination. Moving forward, I examine the role of names within the main text itself. By comparing them to the works of Proust, Flaubert, and Auden, it becomes evident that names in Arbasino’s writing take on a dual nature, encompassing both seriousness and facetiousness. This duality allows his prose to oscillate between memoir and biting satire, as well as between self-portrayal and self-parody. This applies to various forms of his writing, whether it be prose, non-fiction, or hybrid works like Fratelli d’Italia. In conclusion, I offer some observations on the use of homonyms and synonyms in Arbasino’s work, employing semiotic tools to analyze their significance.