2019: XXI

Nomen numen: nel nome il potere metamorfico di un destino letterario. Il caso di Čerubina de Gabriak

Giulia Baselica
Università di Torino

Pubblicato 2019-11-20

Parole chiave

  • Čerubina de Gabriak,
  • Elizaveta Dmitrieva,
  • Russian literature,
  • pseudonyms


Nomen Numen. The Čerubina de Gabriak affaire – when the metamorphical power of a literary fate resides in the name. As well as reconstructing the story behind Čerubina de Gabriak’s pseudonym, along with the related identity implications defined by roles – the intriguer becomes the hidden co-author – this paper also attempts to single out the onomastic links between manipulated names and new poetic production, in a cultural and, inevitably, literary background strongly characterized by continuous reinvention and reception of names and, consequently, identity.