2014: XVI

E.T.A. Hoffmann e Jacques Offenbach: un confronto onomastico


The only one work written by Jacques Offenbach and performed after
his death in 1881, Les Contes d’Hoffmann, brings on the stage events and characters of three stories of E.T.A. Hoffmann: Der Sandmann, Rat Krespel, Der Abenteuer der Sylvesternacht. The libretto of Barbier, based on the pièce written by Michel Carré, distances itself from the original version of the German author, not only regarding the plot, but also in the choice of the characters and their names. For instance, it happens that some names are changed, or that in one name are mingled different
characters together, or that new characters are added – as for Hoffmann itself in the opéra fantastique, who from being the writer becomes protagonist and performer of his own stories. My onomastic and comparative study aims to shed a light both on Hoffmann’s topics and contents and their transposition in music.