2019: XXI

L’identificazione del simbolo: riflessioni sul Gabbiano di Čechov

Igor Piumetti
Università di Torino

Pubblicato 2019-11-20

Parole chiave

  • A. Čechov,
  • The Seagull,
  • surname,
  • metamorphosis


This article focuses on the possibility of applying onomastics to the interpretation of the role of Nina in Čechov’s The Seagull, in which the reader is faced with different ways of interpreting the role of Nina, starting from her surname, Zarečnaja, which may be translated as ‘someone on the other side of the river’. In fact, she metaphorically crosses the river as in an ancient rite of passage, becoming aware of her mission in life and changing her name as well, from Nina to Seagull.