2019: XXI

Aristofane, nomi in commedia (Parte II). Nomi ed enigmi (non troppo oscuri), due casi di studio: Pistetero e Prassagora, Uccelli e Donne in assemblea

Pubblicato 2019-11-20

Parole chiave

  • Ancient Comedy,
  • Aristophanic Names


The study focuses on the name of Πεισθέταιρος, the protagonist of The Birds, and on the name Πραξαγόρα, the protagonist of the Ecclesiazusae. The motif of trust-loyalty, present in the main turning points of the Birds, is to be preferred over the prevailing conjecture of Πεισθέταιρος, which highlights only the notion o persuasion-obedience. The references in Ecclesiazusae to the feast of the Skirophoria and Panathenaia recall, in a parodic key, Euripides’ Erechtheus, and the name Πραξιθέα sounds like a comic version of Πραξιθέα, the tragic queen who sacrifices her daughter.